Posting Week Week Ending Date Sales New Deal % (snl) Change (New Deal %) (snl) Avg. Front Gross (New) (snl) Change (New Front Gross) (snl) Avg. Back Gross (New) (snl) Change (New Back Gross) (snl) New Warranty % (snl) Change (New Warranty %) (snl) Used Deal % (snl) Change (Used Deal %) (snl) Avg. Front Gross (Used) (snl) Change (Used Front Gross) (snl) Avg. Back Gross (Used) (snl) Change (Used Back Gross) (snl) Used Warranty % (snl) Change (Used Warranty %) (snl) Service Customer Pay RO % sernl Change (CP$ RO %) sernl Avg. CP$ per RO sernl Change (Avg. CP$) sernl Avg. WP$ per RO sernl Change (Avg. WP$) sernl Avg. Labor Hours sernl Change (Avg. Labor Hours) sernl Appt Lead Time sernl Change (Appt Lead Time) sernl
06/23/2024 54 2.5 758 -11.4 1,957 15.1 48 -5.3 45 -2.8 1,324 -7.7 1,708 21.8 51 -2.3 66 -0.5 191 -1.8 158 -4.7 1.0 7.9 6.8 -3.4


Selling in the Service Lane: How Vehicle Appraisals Build Inventory

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Are Your Car Service Coupons Getting Noticed?

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Moving Up the Ladder: 6 Keys to Career Advancement

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A child moving up the ladder to reach a shooting star.

5 Service Lane Secrets to Exceed Customer Expectations

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Convert Browsers into Buyers with 7 Essential Website Features

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Website essentials represented by a laptop opening.

Digital Solutions to Skyrocket Your Fixed Ops Revenue

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A service tech learning how to improve automotive service departments.

6 Top Reasons to Digitize Your Fixed Ops

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A technician is digitizing fixed ops via a mobile tablet.

All About Convenience: What Customers Want When They Schedule Service

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Conquer Churn with These Customer Follow-Up Strategies

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